
\ Next activity /

Next activity on May 19th**

We learned importance of "WORD" and "ACTION" on the 1st meeting.  Then we adopt these skills, and we play a quick English game "'please' game."  So a quick English game is a good way of teaching English for children.  However, there is some other ways.  One of other ways is "SONG."  Ms. Provenzano says 'simple song is good for teaching English for children.'  For example, 'Twinkle star' is simple for us, but it is difficult for children.  So songs have 'Greeting' and 'simple phrase' are useful for children. This is sample.  Please access on this URL.

This is way we will learn "SONG" on next meeting!  Next meeting is on May 19th!!

In addition, we have to do homework by next meeting.  That is remembering our experiences we enjoyed classes and ways in English!  And we must show these classes and ways each other!

I'm looking forward to next meeting! ; )



1 件のコメント:

  1. Wow! Great blog, Megumi! Thank you for making an online space for our group. I hope we can add a lot of good links to this blog so members have a chance to explore many resources for teaching children. See you next time!
